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Kevon lawless 283161
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Hey, My Name is Kevon Lawless. I’m 27 yrs old, I’m from Louisville, KY. I believe the right communication brings serenity. Beyond those means, listening is one of my strongest suits. Which makes me a sentient and receptive person. As I’m aware of my environment and the bad states that linger through the mind. I find time to meditate daily. I enjoy learning about different walks of life. To exist one must treasure different cultures and individual seasons that we must pass through. Time is most precious and we should spend it well and consider our paths with due diligence. I’m confident in my right to autonomy, and also that the creator comes from within me so with that in view, I find peace in writing poetry, music, physical exercise, reading jurisprudence and history books. Don’t take this wrong, I’m still human and I have difficult days like other men similarly situated as me, but I also have a strong will to prosper. Though I’m unskilled in the art of practising law, I’m doing all I can to learn. So I welcome much needed guidance and insight on the subject. Please only speak from experience. If you want, contact me Via Securus Mobile App. Add me using the eMessaging option. I can’t wait to hear from you!
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