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Hakeem Mujahid (aka Michael White) 09588-007 is eager to connect and build meaningful friendships. Whether you're interested in becoming a pen pal or simply learning more about their unique story, our platform provides a special opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Explore more inmate profiles and discover the chance to form new connections.

Hakeem Mujahid (aka Michael White) 09588-007

State: California
DOB: June 22, 1979
Eyes: Hazel
Race: Black or African American
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Black
Sex: Male
Electronic Communications:

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Incarceration Information:

Earliest Release: I see the judge this year! I'm currently in the court on the IRAA (Incarceration Reduction Amendment Act)
Latest Release: 2037
On Death Row: No
Life Sentence: No
Incarcetated For: Murder

Something about Me:

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah,

At the end of the day is what it all resorts back to, are “you” willing to chance that already preconceived perfect image of just where… when… and how happiness will walk into your life? Perchance it could possibly come knocking under circumstances you would of never imagined.
I guess this would imply to someone that’s not likely shallow, and more importantly, with a flexible mind, I am usually not given to simply reaching but I suppose in this patriarchal society men are taught that it is unmanly to admit need, to express sensitivity, to just even down right say they are lonely and need a friend, it’s been my experience that when you have a genuine friend in your corner, “nothing becomes everything, loneliness becomes happiness and with sharing comes caring,” and I guess that is simply what this whole letter amounts to, a quivering hand reaching from out the wintry coldness of one of life’s bad experiences, across the uncaring abyss of society’s conventions (which says we are all bad people in here) to perhaps touch a sensitive hand in return, maybe be able to even catch that hand in the spirit of truth and real human feelings.
Write me a joke, give me a reason to smile so I can feel my own humanity. I now realize that humor is a potent miraculous tonic for an ailing soul, an anguished mind, and a lonely heart.
PS: Please do not become discouraged by my current life sentence, I’ve been incarcerated since I was 17, I’m now 45, and by the will of Allah, a law surfaced to help anyone that was apprehended before their 25th birthday and have served at least 15 years of their sentence to file a motion to be released. It’s called I.R.A.A. (Incarceration Reduction Amendment Act), so Insha Allah I get some relief this year. All the muslims, please keep me in your dua, as salamu alaykum.

You can contact me by mail, Corrlinks, or text 662-673-6317.

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