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Michelle Belair-28659-031 is eager to connect and build meaningful friendships. Whether you're interested in becoming a pen pal or simply learning more about their unique story, our platform provides a special opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Explore more inmate profiles and discover the chance to form new connections.

Michelle Belair-28659-031

State: Alabama
DOB: March 6, 1983
Eyes: Brown
Race: American Indian or Alaska Native
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Brown
Sex: Female
Electronic Communications:

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Incarceration Information:

Earliest Release:
Latest Release:
On Death Row: No
Life Sentence: No
Incarcetated For: Conspiracy to Distribute Methamphetamine

Something about Me:

Hello,my name is Michelle,but I go by my Indian name which is Azabee. I’m Native American Indian (Prairie Band Potawatomi) from Mayetta, Kansas. I’m 6`1-1/2ft.175 pounds, tall & slim. I have Brown eyes, long hair, light skin and smooth to the touch…wink wink

I’m family and business oriented, strong-minded, very open-minded, determined, ambitious, keen, versatile, and over all, a down to earth person.

I spend most my time doing what I love which is learning new things. I’m an autodidact self-taught. I can speak Spanish .I’m learning how to speak French and Arabic. Russian or Italian would be great if I can’t get to other to down. I love to cook, bake, listening to music, working out, cleaning, ol’school Chevy box cars-Muscle cars. I enjoy making new friends, having good company and laughing. I try to make the best out of every situation despite life’s up and downs. I have learned how to stay positive and humble throughout it all.

I just completed Business Management and I’m 3 vol.s away from my Paralegal. I’m currently studying about HJR 192-1933,BTC, code programming, and day trading.

Life’s full of possibilities, so let’s take this time to get to know one another and see where this thing goes.

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