Looking to Connect with Inmates and Build Meaningful Relationships?
Anthony Bradley-233422
Write Me at:
Incarceration Information:
Something about Me:
Intelligent, serious, compassionate, handsome man. Seeking an intelligent, loving, caring, nurturing, open minded, and independent woman. I was wrongly convicted, and I’m a 100% Innocent. And God Willing, I’ll soon to be free, and fully exonerated with a wrongful conviction law suit. I’m looking for an Angel to help me through all this madness. And for someone who I can help, mentally, physically, and spiritually and be a strong companion for them in their times of need.
What do you want people to know about you: I want people to know that I’m a good guy. I have a caring heart and I’m living a life of service to help others even in the situation I’m in. I’m a man of my word, I won’t lie to you, or play games, or use and you. I cherish women and I’m respectful. I come from a good family and was raised right. I just made some wrong choices and went down the wrong path as a teenager. But I’ve manage to overcome a lot of pain and trauma and turned my life completely around in a positive manner. So I use my time to teach, mentor, and motivate others for positive change and growth. You can write me at KinRoss 4533 w. industrial park dr. Kincheloe Mi. 49788 Correctional Facility in Michigan, and can be directly reached on www.jpay.com, Anthony Bradley, #233422.
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