Looking to Connect with Inmates and Build Meaningful Relationships?

DANNIE CURLEE-21391-043 is eager to connect and build meaningful friendships. Whether you're interested in becoming a pen pal or simply learning more about their unique story, our platform provides a special opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Explore more inmate profiles and discover the chance to form new connections.


State: Illinois
DOB: July 7, 1973
Eyes: Brown
Race: White
Orientation: Straight
Hair: Salt & Pepper
Sex: Male
Electronic Communications:

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Incarceration Information:

Earliest Release: 02/12/2044
Latest Release: JULY 12, 2048
On Death Row: No
Life Sentence: No
Incarcetated For: PRODUCTION 18:2257 (A)

Something about Me:

Thank you for your patience. My profile is on its way to penpalinmates.com and should be posted soon. However, you don’t need to wait to get in touch!
Feel free to send me a message now using one of the contact options below.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

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