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Harry L Beckett-BZ1379 is eager to connect and build meaningful friendships. Whether you're interested in becoming a pen pal or simply learning more about their unique story, our platform provides a special opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Explore more inmate profiles and discover the chance to form new connections.

Harry L Beckett-BZ1379

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Other
Electronic Communications:

Write Me at:

Incarceration Information:

Earliest Release:
Latest Release:
On Death Row:
Life Sentence: Yes
Incarcetated For:

Something about Me:

We introduce social media and the court of public opinion to Harry L Beckett. If you enjoy good conversation, humor and research and discovery then you’ll enjoy getting to know Harry. He is looking for an active, compassionate, self-sufficient and outgoing woman.  Having a medical background or knowledge of RSD/CRPS is a plus. Harry is a disabled military veteran. Currently in Pennsylvania. He loves reading the bible, playing chess, plays piano and researching the law. Do you know; Why did the spider cross the same road, that the chicken had crossed over a decade ago?  If you think you know the answer to this riddle or want to know , write to Harry.

Smart Communications/ PADOC, SCI Dallas Harry L. Beckett BZ1379 PO Box 33028 St Petersburg, FL 33733

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