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Henry Harris-QP3331
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- Greetings to my readers I hope you find what you’re looking for on this site even if it isn’t me.
My name is Henry Vonzell Harris I love my family name but I prefer to be called Vonzell because it is so rare and unique.
I’ve only been in Pennsylvania for a little under 3 years since April 2020 and I hate it. I’m originally from Brooklyn New York where I was raised I was born on July 12th 1987 and I’m currently 35 I’m African-American with brown skin and eyes two dimples on Bald with the face full of hair kind of like the rapper Rick Ross just better looking I’m 5’10 240 lb I love women and only women I am affectionate how could I not be as a mama’s boy.
I’m quite intelligent even though my phone won’t education ended with my high school diploma I would have loved to attend college but I never had the time before I turn 21 both of my parents passed away I come from a big family and realize it was no one left who would fend for me the way I would so I took charge of my life I accepted Christ into my heart but really go to church I pray in my own way
Coming from where I came up I’ve made some bad decisions and I’ve been locked up since June 20th 2022 however I’m not a bad or violent individual for those who like to look me up my PA DOC number is QP331.
I’m currently serving time for possession of marijuana however on another case involving possession of a firearm and corrupt organization have been sentenced to 16 to 32 years. While I am trying to get some time back giving the judge said he was making an example of me and my Quan was nonviolent with no victims as it stands my earliest release date could be 2039 or 2040 and worse possible case I could Max all sentences and see myself released in 2056 I am hopeful I will be able to have this reduced somehow
I am not looking for financial support just special emotional and intellectual support and stimulation possibly come to visit if you’re nearby and would be able to I’d give you the shirt off my back and if you didn’t Mommy if I knew you needed it I may not be every woman’s dream combination of genetics brains and appearance but I promise that any woman that takes a chance to get to know me will likely Fall in Love with me
I hope and pray someone out there sees my ad with my picture attached and says bingo I got one if not I wish all well and God bless okay.
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