Looking to Connect with Inmates and Build Meaningful Relationships?
Javier Flores-30839479
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Something about Me:
Hi, my name is Javier Flores my friends describe me as ambitious, loyal, self motivated, and kind hearted. i really enjoy creating brands and consulting others in there business venters. my passion is creating money strategies for business owners and entrepreneurs such as my self. i also enjoy other types of arts such as music and fashion. my taste in music is diverse.
one of my hobby’s is cooking for others,and making them happy. they say a way too a women heart is threw stomach lol.. ( how many of you thought that line was Corny hahaha.. be honest?? ).. while my incarceration i have furthered my education and business ethics, by obtaining a few degrees in college. my idea which i am working on is to find ways to build a better society with my skill set. i am also focused on getting back to court to over turn my sentence for an earlier release date. ( which is looking good for me,, God willing tho ) i look forward to meeting new people from all walks in life, i believe diversity is the color that pants the canvas of ones bright & beautiful world. I’m willing to correspond for however short or long, just as long as we both have a positive impact on each other, because i know the power of a smile or a simple hello!!
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