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My name is Jonny, I am 27 years old and I’ve been incarcerated since I was 17 (33 days before my 18th birthday). Before I was incarcerated I was a prisoner to a mind state and criminal mentality that enchained me to a thought process that I could not escape. This eventually led me to my own demise causing pain to be felt throughout so many lives including my own and there was nobody else to blame but myself. As stupid as this sounds , now as a grown man… unconsciously consciously, not intending on anyone dying, I planned to rob someone with a loaded gun. Needless to say, things didn’t go as planned. I accidentally killed someone with a loaded gun and was shot several times in the commission of my crime. The worst part about all of this is the pain that I inflicted on so many people. The physical prison cell I live in now is nothing compared to the mental prison in which I dwelled for so many years. The knowledge I’ve gained throughout this entire process is priceless. The only thing I wish I could change is the pain that others feel, not my own. When a caveman learned that fire burns he told others so they too wouldn’t suffer, therefore his pain didn’t go in vain. To me there is no greater purpose in life than to pass down knowledge and that’s exactly what I’m doing and I plan on continuing upon my release. I aspire to learn to properly write, and author children’s books. I would love help from anybody who would be willing.ÂÂÂÂ
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