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Joshua J.Aukamp-NV3283 is eager to connect and build meaningful friendships. Whether you're interested in becoming a pen pal or simply learning more about their unique story, our platform provides a special opportunity to make a difference in someone's life. Explore more inmate profiles and discover the chance to form new connections.

Joshua J.Aukamp-NV3283

Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Electronic Communications:

Write Me at:

Incarceration Information:

Earliest Release: 2023
Latest Release: 2023
On Death Row: No
Life Sentence: No
Incarcetated For: Burglary

Something about Me:

  My name is JOSH ,                                                                 “HELLO OUT THERE !!!” I’m from Lancaster ,PA. I’m from the country and enjoy the outdoors and everything you can do in it.                   I’m 5’5″,190 pounds and high strung!
My kind of music is rock and metal and Classics. I’m LOOKING FOR COMPANY!! Being in prison you’re surrounded by people you don’t want to talk to. Sooo,I’m trying to find people that I do..want to talk to. I used to be a drug addict and that’s what got me where I am.I’m trying to change my course of life before I’m dead like so many people I know. I’m an open person and straightforward I don’t beat around the bush. I grew up in a Christian home and know a lot about that aspect of life also.I have no real plans for when I get released but like I said,”I am open minded”. There’s no specific person I’m looking for to write me. I am 30 now ,born in the 90s..and into the 80’s.
I love riding dirt bikes or anything with two wheels, I like exploring new places and hiking. When it comes to women I have no picks, it really depends on your character not your looks. Like I said, I’m an active person I’m into doing stuff ,not sitting around on the couch! I was raised in the woods and on the water so if we ever hung out and got stranded we would be fine! LOL! Naked And Afraid is something I would be into trying,,HA! I am also streetsmart ,I’ve been around;/ I am really having a hard time explaining myself without sounding like a “21 questions” .Just ,if you like what you see (Pic’s)…and read so far..hit me up!  I’m just sitting around chillin.LOL.

*I have a loving family who is standing by me awaiting for my return,but ,I desire more communication with more people who would possibly help me mentally while Im in adult time out.

                                                                                                                       ***Please!! & Thank YOU,

                                                           Â                                           Respectfully ,Joshua Aukamp

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