Looking to Connect with Inmates and Build Meaningful Relationships?
Marlon Green-01957279
Write Me at:
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Something about Me:
Hey You!! My name is Marlon but everyone calls me Marlo. I’m from Texas Houston to be exact. I’m a 6ft., 7in., Dark skin Jamaican male. I enjoy exploring life’s adventures, learning, working out, listening to music and having a good time. Despite life’s ups and downs, I keep a positive attitude and remain optimistic. We only live once, so I believe its important to maximize the opportunities and experiences life has to offer. One of the most being that of genuine friendship. I’m looking for a woman to correspond and connect with. I’m just trying to kick it with somebody cool who is capable of holding a decent conversation. One who will appreciate me for the man I am, my mind and my spirit and take it from there, come what may. So hit me up I’m looking forward from hearing from you. P.s: My email address is aliefmarlo114@gmail.com  and/or you can send me your number And I’ll give you a call.
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